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PPC audience targeting on various platforms. Over 200 targeting attributes.

It’s a common practice in marketing to make sure you know who you are selling to, but do you really know how to utilise that? With each platform comes its own list of PPC audience targeting options that you can tap into, to really reach your ideal customers. 

Make a Target Persona

If you haven’t done so already, this is your chance to take a minute (preferably more) to create a set of target personas that you want to sell to. Now, you may be thinking that you want to sell to everyone, but that isn’t the case. There will always be a select audience that is best suited to spend your time and money advertising to. 

You will need to think about the person as a whole, such as their home life, work-life and decision making style before you even start to think about how they interact with your company.

If you haven’t created a target persona yet, this can be quite a challenging task to make sure it is clear and defined in order to get maximum results. Check out our blog piece for more tips and tricks to create excellent target personas.

Use your Target Persona

Think about why you made a target persona, to begin with- it wasn’t so it can just sit in your desktop folder gathering metaphorical dust. To make it a worthwhile exercise, you need to use it to its fullest potential. 

One use of target personas is building PPC audiences from what you have learned, they just need a little bit of finesse. Start by breaking down the persona by what you think they would be interested in online, their online habits and if they are in the market to buy or are just browsing for now. 

Digging into these personas can give you insights into who you really want to be targeting and how you can do that. For example, if you are selling windows, then you would want to target homeowners. Showing adverts to renters would be a waste of your money, as they cannot make the bigger decisions such as changing windows or window panes. Little details such as these can make all the difference in your advert clicks and conversion rates. 

Download For Free A List of over 200 audience targeting attributes for PPC campaigns


Sometimes the best people to target are those who have already expressed interest in your business or offer. On average, a customer will interact with your brand 7 times before signing up or making a purchase, so using remarketing adverts can help with this process while ensuring your potential customers won’t forget about you. 

Additionally, the message you want to put out to those who have already interacted with you is going to be different from the message you will put to those who haven’t. You won’t try to convince those who haven’t interacted to ‘come back’ while you don’t want to push the message of ‘discovering’ you to those who already have. 

Display ad remarketing also gives you another chance to really show off your brand- more so than a simple text ad. Through the use of images and videos, you can highlight the quality of products or benefits of services you offer in a way that a regular search engine ad cannot. 

In the Market 

Much like remarketing, it can pay to narrow in on those who are already looking to buy your specific product or service. These people are further down the sales funnel and closer than those who are just starting out in their buyer’s journey. This means that specific PPC campaigns for those people could lead to higher conversion rates than adverts for the potential customers at the top of the funnel. 

Platforms determine who is ‘in-market’ by a variety of metrics, such as the web pages a user visits, how often they visit such sites and if they have interacted with related adverts. All of this feeds into determining how close a person is to making a sale, allowing you to get in closer to this point and get the conversion. 

Choose your platform

Much like with organic posting, some platforms are better than others for different types of marketing and different audiences. It would be better to create retargeting adverts on social media for younger people for instance, as they typically spend more time on those platforms than other websites. Again, look at where your target personas spend most of their time online and work around that, you can also look at our beginner’s guide to social media for businesses to learn more about each social media platform and how you can benefit from using them.

Test different audiences 

As with a lot of marketing, PPC campaigns can see a lot of success through trial and error. With this in mind, it could benefit your business to branch out from your set PPC target audience once it has fully been established. This should be done as part of a separate campaign so it doesn’t eat into the original budget or take away from the original audience. Making small changes to see if click-throughs or conversions increase can help you make more informed decisions for your main campaign. 

Custom audiences

When it comes to creating your own custom audience, it can be tricky to know where to start. You need to think about their interests, job roles, living situations and so much more. Moreover, knowing what is available on each platform can take the time or you may miss some aspects you weren’t aware of. To help you out, we have collated lists of Google, Facebook (Instagram) and LinkedIn audience lists, giving you all the information you need in one place. 

Let us know how you get on with your PPC audience targeting practices! Or, if you need any extra support in doing so, find out more about our PPC service by getting in touch with our team. We are more than happy to provide help in creating the best PPC campaigns for your business. 

Download For Free A List of over 200 audience targeting attributes for PPC campaigns
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