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“I need to improve my rankings because my competitors are doing better than me on Google”

Ranking Issue

Do you find that your competitors are performing better than you with their ads and that they’re placed in a better position on Google? And how can you improve your rankings by using popular keywords in your ads? 

What is SEO? 

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process that is used by many companies to make sure that their customers can easily find their eCommerce business. Companies try to achieve this by optimising their website so that they can be placed on the first page of search results to make their store more visible in Google. If you are ranked in a top position on search results, this may encourage lead generation and paying customers for your eCommerce business.

Ecommerce SEO. Quickest, cheapest way to rank?  

What is technical SEO?

To outrank your competitors, Technical SEO is crucial. This form of search engine optimisation is used whenever a search engine decides to crawl or index a website. This process allows search engines to better understand the content of your website, and whether your site can answer online search queries. 

How does technical SEO work? 

Technical SEO focuses on the indexing and crawling that happens on a website. Let’s take a look at these two areas in some more detail…


Indexing is where a search engine (like Google) adds content from your website to its online database. The search engine index is able to collect and store your data so that it can provide results for visitors who have search queries that relate to the content that is shown on your website.


Think of crawlers as tiny digital spiders that crawl all over the internet. Google has many crawlers that are used to review a site’s webpages. If these search engine spiders (or crawlers) notice that any new content has been added to your website, they will update this in the search engine index.

These crawlers provide the search engine index with all the information it needs to better understand a website. They review a list of web addresses from previous crawls and sitemaps on a website and use links on these sites to discover other pages which they can feed back to Google. 

Why should I improve my rankings with Technical SEO? 

Technical SEO is important for online businesses as it can increase the likelihood of ranking an eCommerce website higher on the first page of a search results page. Search engines usually display websites that have been optimised well since the search engine can better index this information to understand how it can answer a customer’s online search query. This, in turn, will deliver targeted traffic to your site. 

It is recommended that your eCommerce company takes the following actions as part of its Technical SEO strategy: 

  • Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) – If a website uses SSL technology where a website’s URL begins with ‘https://’, Google is likely to rank this website domain higher as it is shown to be a secure site.
  • Mobile-friendly responsive design – Users should be able to easily read your content on desktop, mobile and tablets. Due to Google’s mobile-first index, your page will not rank high in the search results if it isn’t mobile-friendly.
  • Fast loading speed – If a page loads quickly, Google will rank it higher on the search results page because it indicates a positive user experience. 
  • Delete duplicate content – If you spot any duplicate content on your website, update this as soon as possible. Search engines may not rank your website in the search results if it can see that you’re duplicating your content to show popular keywords. 
  • Make sure your XML sitemap is updated – This file helps search engines to better understand the structure of your website, and if a search engine is able to crawl your website. You can use tools like Google Search Console to upload your sitemap. 

Lnet Digital is a digital marketing service that has a range of skills in Technical SEO, SMM, and PPC. We are always happy to help our clients who would like to improve the performance of their websites.  

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